Thursday, August 1, 2024

Sanguis Draconis aka. Dragon's Blood - Ancient Medicinal and Magical Herb


Dragon’s Blood is an ancient medicinal herb with documented usage in early human civilizations. Its main medicinal benefit is its power to restore damaged tissue, both externally as in skin cuts, abrasions, infections but also internally, on organs, protective tissues, veins, arteries, capillary walls, etc. It has been widely used for stomach and digestive organ issues as this system is most exposed to pathogens and irritation from the food and drink consumed. Known as a remedy used for ulcers, Dragon's Blood is traditionally used for digestive tissue irritation and inflammation but has a history of use on any inflamed tissue from acne to colitis. It is considered restorative. Dragon’s Blood is also included on Dit Da Jow liniments for trauma, rheumatisms, and arthritis due to its regenerating properties.

Apart from its great benefits to health and healing, this resin is also an ancient magical substance. It has powerful protective energy against evil and negativity, it attracts love and more specifically, to return, restore and heal love lost. It is widely considered to attract good luck and success. One of its greatest qualities is its ability to increase the strength of other magical substances and is considered superior for anointing amulets and objects of power

How to Use:

Tincture: For healing damaged, or injured tissues, take internally, 10 – 15 drops under the tongue, or externally, rub into injured area until it is absorbed into the skin. Repeat 2x on each section used. Do not use tincture on open cuts. The tincture can be used for its energetic qualities by dabbing on your finger and touching the skin as you would a perfume. Can be applied to the temples, neck, behind the ears, the inner wrist. The center of the chest, top of the head, slightly above the space between the eyebrows or the center of the bottom of your feet are especially powerful areas.

Sachet: A very ancient form of applying and deploying the properties of magical substances, a sachet can be easily carried or placed as needed. Today, it can be carried in a pocket, purse, briefcase, glove compartment, placed in a discreet area in home, car, office, or cubicle/. In ancient times, Dragon's blood would be hung on the 4 corners of a home or property to offer protection in the 4 directions, a sachet would be placed under the pillow during sleep.

Dragons Blood can also be removed from the sachet to be sprinkled on the ground on entry ways or added to other crystals, minerals, stones, or other herbs to potentiate their effect. The tincture is often used to anoint during ceremonies or auspicious events. The sachet also contains a small amount of rice, which attracts positive energy, fosters success, and protects life*.

“It’s All Magic”

Everything is magic, and magic is everywhere. We are part of a magical universe where every breath is a miracle of alchemy and where we are surrounded by sacred magic at every moment. Herbal medicine is magic, and all healing herbs have deep, magical and spiritual actions and benefits. Shen Martial Arts will be introducing more magical and spiritual herbal products selected and curated to benefit those embarked on a journey to their highest self.

*Herbs and substances are ceremoniously “activated” and some are specially treated per traditional steps in order to release their maximum inner qualities. There are no religious or malevolent practices, just deep knowledge of old.

Learning, Growing, Living, Aging ….. As A Warrior

Disclaimer: The above statements made about specific products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This is for information purposes and is not meant to be constituted as medical or healthcare advice. Always consult with your healthcare professional prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic product or before beginning any exercise or diet program or starting any treatment for a health issue. User assumes all risk


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